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Captain Status Date of doc Place of doc Document type troops Reference commander purpose
Francois, Guillaume esquire 14150000 Honfleur quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 48 duke of Alencon defence of the pays de Caux
Malestroit, Jean de knight 14150000   quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 72    
Boulaye, Richard de la esquire 14150630 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XIX, no. 167    
Coignon, Jean de esquire 14150630 Villedieu muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXIV, no. 30    
Dreux, Jean de knight bachelor 14150630 Villedieu muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLII, no. 20    
Gaignon, Jean de esquire 14150630 Villedieu muster   PO 2753 de St Germain 140*    
Morin, Geoffrey esquire 14150630   muster   BNF, Clairambault LXXVIII*    
Ibons, Raoul de esquire 14150700 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXV duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie
Guesclin, Jean batard de esquire 14150701 Paris muster 15 BN, PO 1433 Guesclin 67*    
Guesclin, Jean batard de esquire 14150701 Paris muster 10 BN, PO 1433 Guesclin 113*    
Guesclin, Jean batard de esquire 14150701 Paris order to pay 15 BN, PO 1433 Guesclin 68 tanneguy du Chastel  
Herault, Olivier esquire 14150712 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 93    
La Mote, Fouquet de esquire 14150712 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 69    
Le Maitre, Guillaume, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150712 Saint-Malo muster   PO 2577 Rouxel Medarg 3*    
Le Maitre, Guillaume, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150712 Saint-Malo order to pay   PO 2577 Rouxel Medarg 6    
Mauny, Olivier de, captain of Saint Malo knight banneret 14150712 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXII, no. 111    
Carbonnel, Jean esquire 14150714 Valognes quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 69 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Le Maitre, Guillaume, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150714 St Malo quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX Oliver de Mauny, captain of the town defence of St Malo, under gov of duke of Alencon
Clarey, Pierre de knight bachelor 14150720 Dieppe muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXII, no. 134    
Desquaquelan, Colin esquire 14150720 Dieppe muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLIII, no. 72    
Baron, Guillaume esquire 14150721   quittance   BNF, Clairambault X comte de Richemont service against the sire de Parthenay
Boutemont, Jean de esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 11 BNF, Clairambault XX, no. 178    
Cauf, Richard le esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXVI*    
Cauf, Richart le esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 56    
Caux, Jean de esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 11 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 129    
Gondouin, Pierre esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 65    
Hommet, Renaud de knight bachelor 14150722 Valognes muster   BNF, Clairambault LX*    
La Haye, Jean de, seigneur de Herouville esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LVIII, no. 158    
Molins, Guillaume des knight bachelor 14150722 Valognes muster 9 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 106    
Telenast, Jean de esquire 14150722 Valognes muster 11 BNF, Clairambault CVI, no. 117    
Boutemont, Jean de esquire 14150724 Valognes quittance   BNF,Clairambault XXI duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Carbonnel, Jean esquire 14150724 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXV duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Derce. Jean de esquire 14150724   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XL count of Richemont  
Escarbouville, Richard de esquire 14150724 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLIII duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Goupel, Gieuffroy de Constable of crossbowmen 14150724 Valognes quittance 31 BNF, Clairambault LIV duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie under Alencon as capitaine general sur le fait de la guerre du pays de Normandie, and gov of duke of Guyenne, lieut of king. Crossbowmen mounted
Goupil, Gueffroy Le Constable of crossbowmen 14150724 Valognes quittance 31 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 104 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Allerelle, Louppe de esquire 14150725   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXII comte de Richemont to reduce the Sire de Parthenay
Anneville, Guillaume de esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 13 BNF, PO 1052 Aux Epaules 42*    
Burallet, Gilet constable of crossbowmen 14150725 Valognes ref to muster   BNF, Clairambault CI    
Canservoux, Guillaume de esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXIV, no. 147    
Carbonnel, Jean esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 6 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 68    
Carbonnel, Jean esquire 14150725 Valognes order to pay 6 BNF, Clairambault XXV duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie; ,suer sent to M Heron by marshals
Fortescu, Guillaume esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XLVIII, no. 179    
Guchabert, Henry de knight bachelor 14150725 Valognes muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 103    
Hommet, Regnault du, seigneur de Varengniere knight bachelor 14150725 Valognes muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 55    
Hommet, Regnault du, seigneur de Varengniere knight bachelor 14150725 Valognes muster 20 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 56    
Lenfant, Michellet esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 17 BNF, Clairambault XLIII, no. 48    
Saint Germain, Ferrant de esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 13 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 29    
Saint Germain, Ferrant de esquire 14150725 Valognes muster 13 BNF, PO 2753 St Germain 222*    
Saint Germain, Jean de knight bachelor 14150725 Valognes muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no .30    
Saint Germain, Jean de knight bachelor 14150725 Valognes muster 10 BNF, PO 2753 St Germain 222*    
Carbonnel, Jean esquire 14150727 Valognes quittance 6 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 71 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Colombieres, Olivier de esquire 14150727 Valognes muster 8 BNF, Clairambault XXXV, no. 166    
Flacques, Jean esquire 14150727 Valognes quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault XLVIII, no. 46 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Hommet, Renaud de knight 14150727 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault LX duke of Alencon  
Lenfant, Michel esquire 14150727 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLIII duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Montauban, Robert de knight 14150727 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXVI duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie
Preserel, Guillaume esquire 14150727 Valognes muster 9 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIX, no. 89    
Prescarel, Guillaume esquire 14150728 Valognes muster 9 BNF, PO 2753 St Germain 81*    
Morin, Gieffroy esquire 14150731 Villedieu muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXVI, no. 174    
La Graville, Guillaume de knight 14150800 Carentan quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault CV   defence of Basse Normandie, under the government of the duke of Guyenne
Coignon, Guillaume de esquire 14150802 Carentan muster 7 BNF, Clairambault XXXIII, no. 102    
Cotart, Jean esquire 14150802 Valognes muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XXXV, no. 46    
Fauq, Jean knight bachelor 14150802 Carentan muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 78    
Fauq, Raoul knight bachelor 14150802 Carentan muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 77    
Graville, Guillaume de knight bachelor 14150802 Carentan muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LV, no. 66    
Gueschin, Guillaume de knight bachelor 14150802 Carentan muster 7 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 60    
Montenay, Jean de knight bachelor 14150802 Valognes muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXVI, no. 149    
Semilly, Jean de esquire 14150802 Carentan muster 10 BNF, Clairambault CII, no. 129    
Talvande, Raoul de esquire 14150802 Valognes muster 7 BNF, Clairambault CV, no. 32    
Werchin, Jean de knight banneret? 14150802 Amiens quittance   BNF, Clairambault CIX    
Berneval, Lyennart esquire 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XIII, no. 174    
Bethencourt, Jean, sire de knight banneret 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 93    
Caulieres, Jean Compaignon de esquire 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXIV, no. 172    
Crespin, Jean, seigneur de Mauny knight bachelor 14150804 Vittefleur muster 15 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 100    
Estouteville, Louis d’, seigneur d’Ozebosc knight banneret 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLV, no. 139    
Evreux, Aubert d’ knight bachelor 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLV, no. 190    
Fauq, Jean knight 14150804 Carentan quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 81 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Fauq, Raoul knight 14150804 Carentan quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 80 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Fribois, Gerart de esquire 14150804 Vittefleur en Caux muster 10 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 146    
Guerclin, Guillaume du knight 14150804 Carentan quittance 1 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 63 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Guerclin, Guillaume du knight 14150804   quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault LVI duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie under the government of the duke of Guyenne
Hondetot, Guillaume de esquire 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 151    
Lyon, Robert knight bachelor 14150804 Vittefleur muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LXV, no. 192    
Montagne, Raoul de la esquire 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXVI, no. 16    
Porte, Robert de la knight bachelor 14150804 Vittefleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXVIII, no. 105    
Saenne, Jean de, dit le Russe esquire 14150804 Vittefleur en Caux muster 10 BNF, Clairambault C no. 27*    
Tribois, Guyot de esquire 14150804 Vittefleur en Caux muster   BNF, Clairambault C*    
Bandalost, Jourdain de esquire 14150806 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 106    
Betas, Jean, captain of Honfleur knight bachelor 14150806 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 82    
Areno, Peruche captain of crossbowmen 14150808   quittance   BNF, Clairambault V sire d’Estouteville service in pays de Caux under governance of the duke of Alen
Caubieres, Jean de dit Compagnon esquire 14150808 Montivilliers quittance 3 BNF, Clairambault XXVI sire d’Estouteville service in pays de Caux under governance of the duke of Alencon
Caulieres, Jean Compaignon de esquire 14150808 Montivilliers quittance 2 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 65 seigneur d’Estouteville to defend the pays of Caux and resist the English
Hotet, Pierre de esquire 14150808 Montivilliers muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 142    
Montjean, Jean sire de knight 14150808   quittance   BNF, Clairambault V Marshal Bouicaut  
Bressy, Philebert de knight bachelor 14150809 Caen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXI, no. 150    
Couterin, Guillaume Constable of crossbowmen 14150809 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXVI duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie, under governance of Duke of Guyenne
Garencieres, Jean de knight bachelor 14150809 Caen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 159    
Aubeuf, Pierre de knight 14150810 Valognes quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIX Marshal Bouicaut service in Normandy
Braquemont, Lionnet de, captain of Harfleur knight bachelor 14150810 Harfleur muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XXI, no. 82    
Braquemont, Olivier de knight bachelor 14150810 Harfleur muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XXI, no. 81    
Bufreuil, Jean de knight bachelor 14150810 Harfleur muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXIII, no. 136    
Garancieres, Jehannet de knight 14150810 Carentan quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCI duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie, under governance of Duke of Guyenne
Geraut, Roland de captain of crossbowmen 14150810 Montivilliers quittance 76 BNF, Clairambault LII, no. 176 duke of Alencon to defend Montivilliers and Harfleur and to resist the English
Geraut, Roland de captain of crossbowmen 14150810 Montivilliers quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCII duke of Alencon for guard of Montivilliers and Harfleur
Malon, Mace esquire 14150810   quittance 10 PO 1822 Malon 3 tanneguy du Chastel serving at Paris
Rambures, David de knight banneret 14150810   order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XCIII   Rambures sends muster of 9 Crossbowmen to M. Heron
Tertre, Alain du esquire 14150810   quittance 10 PO 2810 du Tertre a Paris 5 tanneguy du Chastel serving at Paris
Garencieres, Jehannet knight 14150811 Carentan quittance 2 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 164 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Desprez, Jean esquire 14150812   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXXIX Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul against the English
Gotignies, Gilles de esquire 14150812   quittance 20 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 56 Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul against the English
Luieres, Louis de knight 14150812   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXV Marshal Bouicaut against the English
Morialme, Guillaume de   14150812   quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault LXXVIII Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul against the English, for one month;
Sars, Leon de esquire 14150812   quittance   BNF, Clairambault CI Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul against the English
Gaucourt, Raoul, seigneur de knight banneret 14150814 Lormaye muster 95 BNF, Clairambault LII, no. 24 sire d’Albret, constable  
Mallevoisin, Girart, sire de Sorel knight 14150814   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul service in the present army against the English
Maricoure, Jean de, constable of crossbowmen constable of crossbowmen 14150814 Honfleur quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon guard of Honfleur in this present war
Gaucourt, Raoul, seigneur de knight banneret 14150815   quittance 95 BNF, Clairambault LII, no. 31 sire d’Albret, constable war service in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Gaucourt, Raoul, seigneur de knight banneret 14150815   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCII constable d’Albret service in the pays de Caux
Limoges, Jean de esquire 14150815   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVI Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul  
Mauny, Olivier de, captain of Saint Malo knight banneret 14150815 Saint Malo muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXII, no. 112    
Pontavisse, Guillaume de esquire 14150815 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXVIII, no. 46    
Quebriac, Jean de, dit de Mousson esquire 14150815 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XCI, no. 22    
Boffles, Jean de esquire 14150816   quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XVI, no. 16 Jean, sire de Ligne et Bailleul  
Fosseux, Philippe Le Borgne de esquire 14150816   quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 16 Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul against the English
Longuelet, Alard esquire 14150816   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVI Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul  
Ligne, Jean sire de, et de Bailleul knight banneret 14150817 Montdidier certificate 67 BNF, Clairambault XV    
Ligne, Jean sire de, et de Bailleul knight banneret 14150817   quittance 180 BNF, Clairambault XL Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul war against the English
Panetier, Pierre archer 14150817   quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIV Jean, seigneur de Ligne and Bailleul s
Vereth, Gerard de esquire 14150817   quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault CXII   serving against the English
Brederoc, Jean sire de knight 14150820   quittance 12 BNF, PO 497 Brederode 2 under the government of the Constable d’Albret serving in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Chaumont, Pierre de esquire 14150820 Rouen muster 10 BNF, PO 716 Chaumont 26* under the government of the Constable d’Albret  
Chaumont, Pierre de esquire 14150821   quittance 10 BNF, PO 717 Chaumont 136 under the government of the Constable  
Dencourt, Regnault esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XL, no. 45 seneschal of Hainault against the English wherever it pleases king
Encourt, Regnaut esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance   BNF, Clairambault XL seneschal of Hainault  
Franqueville, Hue de esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 58 seneschal of Hainault against the English
Franqueville, Hue de esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault L seneschal of Hainault  
Fressencourt, Jean de esquire 14150822   quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 126 seneschal of Hainault against the English
Herbaumes, Gerard de knight 14150822   quittance 22 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 102 seneschal of Hainault resist English
Marchin, Jean de esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance   BNF, Clairambault CXC    
Quieret, Jean esquire 14150822   quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XCII, no. 30    
Sains, Jean de esquire 14150822 Amiens quittance 20 BNF, Clairambault CII, no. 115 seneschal of Hainault serve king where it pleases king
Molins, Guillaume des knight bachelor 14150824 Valognes muster 6 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 107    
Villaines, Charles esquire 14150824   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault CXIII Belleval 264 (no names) count of Vendome against Engl wherever it pleases king
Werchin, Jean de, seneshal of Hainault   14150824 Amiens quittance 180 BNF, Clairambault III NOT VOL 3 TRY 104    
Gotignies, Gilles de esquire 14150826 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 57 sire de Ligne and under orders of constable in pays de Caux and elsewhere against English
Peryers, Jean de esquire 14150828 Bayeux muster   BNF, PO 2577 Rouxel-Medary 2*   garrison of Bayeux
Francois, Guillaume esquire 14150831 Touques muster 10 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 47    
Malherbe, Piere esquire 14150831 Honfleur muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 53    
Marigny, Fleury de esquire 14150831 Touques muster 8 BNF, Clairambault LXX, no. 147    
Bellay, Philippe de esquire 14150900 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XII duke of Berry  
Gerart, Denis mounted crossbowman 14150900   order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XCIV    
Chaigny, Hamon de esquire 14150901 Paris muster 10 PO 645 Chagny 2*    
Chaigny, Hamon de esquire 14150901 Paris order to pay 10 PO 645 Chagny 3 tanneguy du Chastel serving under du Chastel, marechal of Guyenne and prevot of Paris
Bourallet, Gillet Constable of crossbowmen 14150902 Touques order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XVII duke of Alencon  
Caux, Jean de esquire 14150902 Touques muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 130    
Fauq, Jean knight bachelor 14150902 Touques muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 79    
Fauq, Jean knight bachelor 14150902 Touques warrant by marshal 12 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 82 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Freville, Robert de knight bachelor 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 141    
Goupil, Gueffroy Le Constable of crossbowmen 14150902 Touques muster 25 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 108    
Gouyer, Cardin esquire 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 90    
Hommet, Renaud knight 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LX*    
Louvel, Guillaume esquire 14150902 Cogne muster 13 PO 661de Champagne 14*    
Malherbe, Pierre esquire 14150902 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX duke of Alencon under governance of duke of Guyenne
Meantis, Jean de knight bachelor 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXII, no. 194    
Montenay, Guillaume de knight banneret 14150902 Pont-Audemer muster 9 BNF, Clairambault LXXVI, no. 150    
Saint Germain, Ferrant de esquire 14150902 Touques muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 31    
Saint Germain, Jean de knight bachelor 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 28    
Sebille, Jamet esquire 14150902 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault CII, no. 79    
St Germain, Ferrant de esquire 14150902 Cogne muster 10 PO 2153 St Germain 223*    
Treville, Robert de knight bachelor 14150902 Touques muster   BNF, Clairambault XC*    
Villaines, Jean de knight bachelor 14150903 Rouen muster   BNF, PO 2340 Poret 44*    
Chalon, Jean de knight banneret 14150904 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXVII, no. 92 constable d’Albret in the pays de Caux and elsewhere against the English beseiging Harfleur
Boissay, Robert, sire de, captain of Dieppe knight banneret 14150905 Dieppe muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XVI, no. 154    
Clarey, Pierre de knight bachelor 14150905 Dieppe muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXII, no. 168    
Four, Robert du knight bachelor 14150905 Dieppe muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 100    
Oliver, Jean de   14150905 Paris order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XCIV    
Patey, Jean esquire 14150905 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIV duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie
Bandalost, Jourdain de esquire 14150906 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault X, no. 176    
Baudribert, Jourdain de esquire 14150906 Honfleur quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault X    
Betas, Jean knight bachelor 14150906 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 83    
Bourbon, Perceval bastard of   14150906 Chartres quittance 21 BNF, PO 456 Bourbon 247    
Criquebeuf, Simon de knight bachelor 14150906 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 148    
Gueschin, Guillaume de knight bachelor 14150906 Touques muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 61    
La Mote, Guillaume de knight bachelor 14150906 Touques muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 70    
Pleville, Guillaume de esquire 14150906 Touques muster 8 BNF, Clairambault LXXXVI, no. 141    
Tournebu, Gerard de knight bachelor 14150906 Touques muster 10 BNF, Clairambault CVII, no. 63    
Ozonville, Regnault d’ esquire 14150908 Montivilliers muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII, no. 133    
Arquennes, Berengier esquire 14150909   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault VI, no. 105 count of Vendome to resist the king’s adversary of England, wherever ordered
Bellay, Hugues de knight 14150909   quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault XII, no. 152   against English
Beloteau, Auduin de esquire 14150909   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XIII, no. 46 count of Vendome to resist the king’s adversary of England
Chaudejette, Guillot esquire 14150909   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXX count of Vendome  
Croix, Jean des esquire 14150909   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 183 count of Vendome to resist the king’s adversary of England wherever it pleases king
Crosnes, Adam des esquire 14150909   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXVII count of Vendome  
Frauville, Philippot de esquire 14150909   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 71 count of Vendome against the English
Garencieres, Jean knight bachelor 14150909 Caen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 160    
Garencieres, Jean knight 14150909 Caen muster 8 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 161    
Grantmont, Jean de esquire 14150909 Caen muster 8 BNF, Clairambault LV, no. 6    
Justice, Michiel esquire 14150909 Honfleur muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXII, no. 176    
Justice, Michiel esquire 14150909 Honfleur order to pay   BNF, Clairambault LXII count of Vendome defence of Basse Normandie, under the government of the duke of Guyenne
La Tour, Charles de esquire 14150909   quittance   BNF, Clairambault CVII    
Linieres, Louis de knight bachelor 14150909 Montivilliers muster 25 BNF, Clairambault LXV, no. 174    
Mes, Philippot de esquire 14150909   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXIV count of Vendome  
Obrie, Jean de captain of crossbowmen 14150909   quittance 52 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII count of Vendome mounted crossbowmen
Orgessin, Pierre de esquire 14150909   quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII count of Vendome  
Orguessies, Berenger esquire 14150909   quittance   BNF, Clairambault VI count of Vendome to resist the English
Seville, Jean de captain of crossbowmen 14150909   quittance 58 BNF, Clairambault CIII count of Vendome service against the English; self, constable and 56 crossbowmen
Carrion, Jean knight bachelor 14150910   quittance 9 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 155 count of Vendome to resist the king’s adversary of England
Carrion, Jean knight bachelor 14150910   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXV count of Vendome  
Orgessin, Louis d’ knight bachelor 14150910   quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII, no. 93 count of Vendome against English wherever it pleases king
Girard, Denis mounted crossbowman 14150911   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LIII no 118 count of Vendome grant maitre de l’hotel du roi service in present wars against his enemy of English and his puissance, of the number of 300 men-at-arms and 150 hommes de traint under under Vendome; all mounted crossbowmen
Bantellu, Jean esquire 14150912 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault CXXXII constable d’Albret service in pays de Caux
Chesne, Guillaume de esquire 14150914   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXI, no. 120 count of Vendome against the English wherever it pleases king.
Chieres, Guillaume de esquire 14150914 Rouen muster 9 BNF, Clairambault XXXI, no. 183    
Le Flamenc, Haynes (ship crew) Ship master 14150914   muster 34 BNF, Français 25766, no. 715    
Lestendart, Pierre esquire 14150914   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault LXV, no. 16 count of Vendome against the English
Massiot, Hennequin master of balenier 14150914 Rouen muster   BNF, PO 1473 de Han 2*   for the rescue of Harfleur
Menou, Jean de knight 14150914   quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 120 count of Vendome against Engl anywhere it pleases king
Pernes, Jean de esquire 14150914   quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault LXXXV, no. 11 count of Vendome against English wherever it pleases king
Roy, Guillaume de esquire 14150914   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII   service in Normandy
Vendome, Pierre de knight banneret 14150914   quittance 8 BNF, Clairambault CXI, Belleval 335 count of Vendome against English
Barbe, Guillaume esquire 14150915 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault X, no. 5    
Brabant, Clignet de, admiral knight banneret 14150915   quittance 16 BNF, PO 496 Breban 3 under the constable d’Albret at the siege of Harfleur against the English
Mauny, Olivier de knight banneret 14150915 Saint Malo muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXII, no. 113    
Quebriac, Jean de, dit de Mousson esquire 14150915 Saint Malo muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XCI, no. 23    
Harenvillier, Lancelot knight 14150916 Paris muster 11 BNF, PO 1504 Harenvillier 42*    
Harenvillier, Lancelot knight 14150916 Paris order to pay   BNF, PO 1504 Harenvillier 48    
Justice, Michiel esquire 14150916 Honfleur quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXII duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie, under the government of the duke of Guyenne
Marigny, Fleury de esquire 14150916 Honfleur quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie, under the government of the duke of Guyenne
Dreux, Jean de knight bachelor 14150917 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XLII, no. 21    
Dreux, Jean de knight 14150917 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLII duke of Alencon in pays de Caux v Engl, during siege of H
Malerbe, Jean esquire 14150918 Rouen muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 54    
Mauny, Olivier de, seigneur de Thorigny knight banneret 14150918 Rouen muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXII, no. 114    
Barbes, Guillaume esquire 14150919 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault IX duke of Alencon service at St Malo
Ireault, Olivier esquire 14150919 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LIX duke of Alencon for the guard of St Malo
Le Maitre, Guillaume, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150919 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX duke of Alencon for the guard of St Malo
Le Roy, Guillaume knight 14150919 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCXIX duke of Alencon war against the English in Normandy
Lessi, Pierre de esquire 14150919 St Malo quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LXIII    
Mauny, Olivier de, captain of Saint Malo knight 14150919 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII duke of Alencon for the guard of St Malol he is described as captain of St Malo and chamberlain of the king
Rambures, Colin de knight 14150919   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCIII captain of Rambures  
Caurroy, Guillaume de knight 14150920 Rouen quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault XXIV, no. 119 duke of Berry against English where it pleases king
Mancoure, Jean de, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150920 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon for the guard of Honfleur
Anneville de Montagnae, Guillaume de esquire 14150921 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault V duke of Alencon guard and surety of Basse Normandie
Anneville de Montagnae, Guillaume de esquire 14150921   quittance   BNF, Clairambault V duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Colombieres, Olivier de, sire de la Haye du Puits esquire 14150921 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXV duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
d’Anneville de Montagu, Guillaume esquire 14150921 Caen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault V, no. 69 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Dusau, Jean de esquire 14150921 Caudebec muster 10 BNF, Français 25766, no. 716    
Duseau, Jean esquire 14150921 Caudebec order to pay 10 BNF, MS fr 26040/4981 under governance and in the company of Boucicaut, marshal  
Fauq, Jean knight 14150921 Caen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 83 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Garancieres, Jehannet de knight 14150921 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCI duke of Alencon guard of the castle of Caen, under governance of Duke of Guyenne
Garencieres, Jehannet knight 14150921 Caen quittance 8 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 165 duke of Alencon to defend Caen and against the English
Goupil, Gueffroy Le Constable of crossbowmen 14150921 Caen quittance 25 BNF, Clairambault LIV, no. 105 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English, under the governace of the duke of Guyenne
Hommet, Regnault du, seigneur de Varengniere knight 14150921 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LX duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Matenis, Jean de knight 14150921   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie under governance of Duke of Guyenne
Mule, Jean, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14150921 Rouen quittance 23 BNF, Clairambault LXXX duke of Alencon service in Normandy; self, with one constable and 21 crossbowmen
Renion, Jean esquire 14150921 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCIV duke of Guyenne service in Basse Normandie
Vatorme, Pierre de esquire 14150921 Caen quittance 2 BNF, Clairambault CX duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie
Fauq, Jean knight 14150922 Caen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 84 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Graville, Guillaume de knight bachelor 14150922 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault LV, no. 67    
Malet, Guy, seigneur de Graville knight banneret 14150922 Rouen muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 89    
Marcouville, Robert de esquire 14150922 Rouen muster 7 BNF, Clairambault LXX, no. 63   to serve the king in the present army against the English
Menilles, Jean de esquire 14150922 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 105    
Pins, Jean des esquire 14150922 Rouen order to pay   BNF, Clairambault LXXXVI    
Tilly, Jean de knight bachelor 14150922 Montivilliers muster 11 BNF, Clairambault CVI, no. 74    
Bezera, Bertran de knight bachelor 14150923 Rouen muster 28 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 146    
Budes, Jean esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XXIII, no. 103 count of Vendome in pays de Caux or elsewhere
Bueil, Guillaume de knight 14150923 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXIII count of Vendome against English who have laid siege to Harfleur
Carbonnel, Jean knight bachelor 14150923 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 73    
Carsinel, Guillaume knight 14150923 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVI count of Vendome against English who have laid siege to Harfleur
Cassinel, Guilaume knight 14150923 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 4 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Caumont, Gascon de esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault CXLVI constable d’Albret service in pays de Caux
Caumont, Gaston de esquire 14150923   quittance 10 BNF, PO 622 de Caumont 31   serving in the pys de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Caumont, Jean de esquire 14150923   quittance 10 BNF, PO 622 de Caumont 35-36 under the constable d’Albret serving in the pays de Caux
Chailly, Jean de knight 14150923 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XXVII, no. 52 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Chailly, Jean de knight 14150923 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVII count of Vendome service in pays de Caux
Couvers, Raoul de esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 4 BNF, Clairambault XXXIV, no. 87    
Gast, Louis de knight 14150923   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 27 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
La Haye, Guillaume de, baron de Coulonces knight banneret 14150923 Rouen muster 16 BNF, Clairambault LVIII, no. 159    
La Soraye, Pierre de esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault CIV, Belleval 322 count of Vendome against the English
Laurendon, Perrot esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX count of Vendome  
Lermite, dit du Bois Chier, Jean esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 141    
Malessey, Guillonnet esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 32 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 65    
Malet, Charles knight 14150923 Rouen quittance 8 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 92 count of Vendome against the English in Caux and wherever it pleases king
Malherbe, Jean esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LXIX*    
Pins, Jean des esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXVI, no. 45 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Rambures, David de   14150923 Rouen order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XCIV    
Soterel, Guillaume le esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 17 BNF, Clairambault 104*    
Trou, Louis de esquire 14150923 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault CVIII, no. 76 count of Vendome against English
Villaines, Jean de knight bachelor 14150923 Rouen muster   BNF, PO 3001 Villaines 38*    
Villaines, Jean de knight 14150923 Rouen quittance 0 Belleval 263, citing Doss orig in cabinet de titres    
Villaini, Jean de knight 14150923 Rouen muster 15 BNF, Clairambault 113*    
Villanies, Charles de knight 14150923 Rouen quittance 23 BNF, Clairambault CXIII count of Vendome service in pays de Caux
Voyer, Jean le esquire 14150923 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault 114*    
Argouges, Guillaume d’ esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 9 BNF, Clairambault VI, no. 25 duke of Alencon to resist the power of the English enemies
Bailleul, Henry de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 72    
Bailleul, Mace Galois de Prullay de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 73    
Bailleul, Richart de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 71    
Beausay, Guillaume de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 8 BNF, Clairambault XI, no. 137    
Bienfaite, Jean de knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 159    
Brully, Thomas de knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 16 BNF, Clairambault XXIII, no. 46    
Champaigne, Foulques de knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 18 BNF, Clairambault XXVIII, no. 47    
Champeaux, Colin de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 9 BNF, Clairambault XXVIII, no. 51    
Clerannoy, Jean de knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault XXXII, no. 148    
Cochefillet, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXIII, no. 67    
Cochefillet, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XXXIII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy
Courteilles, Guyon de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault XXXVI, no. 94 duke of Alencon against the English
Couvers, Raoul de esquire 14150924 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIV   under governance of duke of Guyenne
Danneau, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXIX, no. 18    
Freseau, Lancelot de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 142    
Giffart, Pierre esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 88    
Han, Baudouin de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 26 BNF, Clairambault LVII, no. 74    
Hareng, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 16 BNF, Clairambault LVIII, no. 31 duke of Alencon against the English
Herisson, Thibault knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 113    
La Lande, Colars de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairmabault LXIII, no. 71 duke of Alencon against the English
La Mote, Jean de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 16 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 71    
Le Gros, Huet esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LV, no. 159    
Lembart, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXIII, no. 48    
Lermitale, Jean esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LIX*    
Luziers, Forton de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 18 BNF, Clairambault LXVII, no. 210    
Malestroit, Jean de knight 14150924   quittance 28 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 72 Normandy another quittance by him for himself and 16 squires – no. 73 DATE
Marcouville, Robert de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LXX, no. 62   to serve the king in the present army against the English
Merle, Pierre du knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 17 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 183    
Montbourcher, Raoul de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 11 Belleval 328, from Morice ii, 910    
Prieur, Thomas esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIX, no. 153    
Rive, Jean de la esquire 14150924 Rouen muster   BNF, Clairambault 96*    
Segne, Pierre de knight bachelor 14150924 Rouen muster 15 BNF, Clairambault CII, no. 96    
Vantome, Jean de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault 110*    
Villereau, Pierre de esquire 14150924 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault 113*    
Bailleul, Mace Galois de Prullay de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 0 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 74 [illegible] to defend Normandy and resist the English
Bailleul, Mace de, dit Galois de Prullay esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLI   against the English in Normandy
Beaumont, Jean de knight 14150925   quittance 0 BNF, Clairambault XII, no. 43 duke of Berry wars in the Pays de Caux
Beaumont, Jean de knight 14150925   quittance   BNF, PO 246 Beaumount 136    
Beaumont, Jean de knight 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XII duke of Berru service in Pays de Caux
Champeaux, Colin de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVIII   service in Normandy
Chappedelaine, Jean esquire 14150925 Rouen muster 5 BNF, Clairambault XXVIII, no. 166    
Cleraunoy, Jean de knight 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXII    
Cochefillet, Jean esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXIII, no. 66 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and to resist the English
Courteilles, Guyon de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXVI   service in Normandy
Creux, Henry de knight bachelor 14150925 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXXVIII, no. 10    
Doineau, Jean esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLI duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Frezeau, Lancelot esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 144 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Granche, Guichart de la esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LV Jean de Beaumont war in pays de Caux, against the English besieiging Harfleur, under governance of ?
Herisson, Thibaut knight 14150925 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 115 duke of Alencon against the English
La Salle, Thomas esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault CIV, Belleval 321 duke of Alencon against the English
Le Mesle, Jean esquire 14150925 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXIV, no. 36    
Marcouville, Robert de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon present war and defence of Normandy
Mas, Jean du knight 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXI duke of Alencon defence of Normandy
Pissars, Guion de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLIV duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Prieur, Thomas esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXXIX duke of Alencon war in Normandy
Puis, Pierre du esquire 14150925 Rouen muster 27 BNF, Clairambault XC, no. 97    
Roche, Jean de la esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, PO 2517 la Rochefoucauld 9    
Saintaire, perrinet de esquire 14150925 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault CIII*    
Seville, Jean de captain of crossbowmen 14150925 Rouen quittance 22 BNF, Clairambault CIII, Belleval 333 constable, d’Albret against English wherever it pleases king
Vaucourt, Jean de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault CX    
Vilette, Renaud de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault CXIII, Belleval 335 duke of Berry against English
Vivain, Jean de esquire 14150925 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault CXIV duke of Alencon war in Normandy
Chaussee, Jean de la esquire 14150926 Rouen muster 27 BNF, Clairambault XXX, no. 181    
Chaussee, Jean de la esquire 14150926 Rouen order to pay   BNF, Clairambault XXXI duke of Alencon to serve in Normandy in company of duke under governance of Duke of Guyenne
Chin, Gilles de knight banneret 14150926 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XXIV, Belleval 165 coy of sire de Ligne and under orders of constable in pays de Caux
Fevre, Robert de esquire 14150926 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLVII   war in pays de Caux and elsewhere
Ligne, Jean sire de, et de Bailleul knight banneret 14150926 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXV constable d’Albret war in pays de Caux
Morialme, Guillaume de, l’aisne esquire 14150926 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXVIII constable d’Albret against the Englsih besieging Harfleur
Prin, Jean de esquire 14150926 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXV constable d’Albret war in pays de Caux
Sars, Leon de esquire 14150926 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault CI sire de Ligne and under orders of constable war in pays de Caux
Gotegnier, Gilles de esquire 14150926 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LIV sire de Ligne and under orders of constable war in the pays de Caux against the English who had landed there and were besieging Harfleur
Blancvillain, Colinet de esquire 14150927 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XV, no. 98    
Bovon, Jean de esquire 14150927 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XVII, no. 105    
Chaumoncel, Robin de esquire 14150927   muster   BNF, PO 2987 Vienne 85*    
Courtarvel, Fouquet de esquire 14150927 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXVI, no. 88 duke of Alencon against the English
Pont-Bellengier, Guillaume de esquire 14150928 Rouen muster   BNF, PO 2577 Rouxel-Medary 4*    
Ardenay, Alain de knight 14150929 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIX count of Vendome against the English who have landed in pays de Caux and are besieging Harfleur
Boyars, Colin des esquire 14150929 Rouen muster 7 BNF, Clairambault XVI, no. 20    
Carbonnel, Guillaume knight bachelor 14150929 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 74    
Carbonnel, Henry esquire 14150929 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 75    
Crosnes, Adam des esquire 14150929   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 201 count of Vendome to resist the king’s adversary of England wherever it pleases king
Fontenier, Jean de esquire 14150929   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 132 duke of Berry against the English before Harfleur and elsewhere
Gaillard, Pierre esquire 14150929   quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LI, no. 17 duke of Berry against the English
Guihebert, Jean du esquire 14150929 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 104    
La Varenne, Arnaut de esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault CIX, no. 148 duke of Berry against the English in the pays de Caux/elsewhere
Laffune, Jean esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIII duke of Berry  
Le Senergue, Aurias esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault CIII, Belleval 324 duke of Berry  
Lourmet, Pierre esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVII duke of Berry  
Maulieu, Jean de esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII duke of Berry  
Monttfaucon, Georges de esquire 14150929   quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXVI, no. 179 duke of Berry against Englsih
Paynel, Bertran knight bachelor 14150929 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIII, no. 119 duke of Alencon for defence of Normandy and to resist the English
Roche, Phelippon de la esquire 14150929 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCVI duke of Berry  
Sabra, Guillaume de esquire 14150929   quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault C, Belleval 332 duke of Berry against English wherever it pleases king
Sasac, Randon de esquire 14150929   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault C, Belleval 332 duke of Berry against English
Sillanz, Jean de esquire 14150929 Rouen muster 11 BNF, Clairambault CIII*    
Bosredon, Louis de esquire 14150930   quittance 0 BL Additional Charter 3466 duke of Orleans prest of wages of a certain number of men at arms they have promised to us (duke of Orleans) for service of the king against the English
Cauroy, Guillaume de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 119 duke of Berry in the pursuit of and against the English besieging Harfleur
Cauroy, Guillaume de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVI duke of Berry against the king of England who has landed in Normandy and is beseiging Harfleur, under the duke of Berry who has under his command 1000 men at arms and 500 gens de trait
Compaincourt, Herve de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault XXXIII, no. 177 duke of Berry where it pleases the king; to resist the king’s adversary of England in Normandy, before Harfleur or elsewhere
Cuillon, Jean de esquire 14150930   quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault XXXVIII, no. 43 duke of Berry against the English wherever it pleases king; siege of Harfleur mentioned
Doupa, Lyonnel esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLI duke of Berry against the king of England who has landed in Normandy and is beseiging Harfleur, under the duke of Berry who has under his command 1000 men at arms and 500 gens de trait
Fontenay, Colin esquire 14150930   quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault XLVIII, no. 208 duke of Berry against the English
Goch, Edouard esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault LIII duke of Berry against the king of England who has landed in Normandy and is beseiging Harfleur, under the duke of Berry who has under his command 1000 men at arms and 500 gens de trait
Guetier, Etienne de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 66 duke of Berry against the English
Gurtier, Etienne de esquire 14150930   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LVI duke of Berry against the king of England who has landed in Normandy and is beseiging Harfleur, under the duke of Berry who has under his command 1000 men at arms and 500 gens de trait
Larsay, Guiot de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIV, no. 21 duke of Berry  
L’Enfant, Bretenet esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLV duke of Berry against the king of England who has landed in Normandy and is beseiging Harfleur, under the duke of Berry who has under his command 1000 men at arms and 500 gens de trait
Lonfort, Thomas esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 18 BNF, Clairambault XXXVI, no. 126 duke of Berry against the English wherever it pleases king
Martin, Guillaume esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXI duke of Berry against the English besieging Harfleur
Merquine, Pierre de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXIII    
Mesle, Jean du esquire 14150930 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 193    
Mornay, Bouchart de esquire 14150930   quittance 0 BL Additional Charter 3466 duke of Orleans prest of wages of a certain number of men at arms they have promised to us (duke of Orleans) for service of the king against the English
Mortier, Guichart esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 28 duke of Berry against English
Mortier, Guichart esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX duke of Berry  
Morton, Edouard esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX duke of Berry  
Tinieres, Pierre de esquire 14150930 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault CVI, no. 80 duke of Berry against English
Franqueville, Jean de esquire 14151000   quittance 0 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 59 seneschal of Hainault against the English
Angierville, Robert d’ knight 14151001 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault V duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Chagny, Hamon de esquire 14151001 Paris muster 10 BNF, PO 645 de Chagny 6*    
Chagny, Hamon de esquire 14151001 paris order to pay 10 BNF, PO 645 de Chagny 1 tanneguy du Chastel  
d’Angierville, Robert knight 14151001 Caen quittance 0 BNF, Clairambault V, no. 28 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Francois, Guillaume esquire 14151001   quittance 0 BNF, Clairambault L, no. 375 duke of Alencon service de guerre
Grante, Guillaume, crossbowman esquire 14151001 Caen quittance 150 BNF, Clairambault LV duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Gueschin, Guillaume du knight 14151001 Caen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 64 duke of Alencon to defend Lower Normandy and resist the English
Martel, Jean knight 14151001   quittance 10 BNF, PO 1868 Martel 68 duke of Alencon serving against the English in Basse Normandie
Pleuville, Guillaume de esquire 14151001   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXXVI duke of Alencon service in Basse Normandie
Tournebu, Gerard de esquire 14151001 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault CVII    
Day, Sausset esquire 14151002 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XL, no. 22 count of Vendome against the English, in the pays de Caux and wherever it pleases the king
Desguessin, Gerard esquire 14151002 Rouen muster 7 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 62    
Hommet, Jean du knight bachelor 14151002 Rouen muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 32 duke of Alencon against the English
La Haye, Jean de, seigneur de Herouville esquire 14151002 Montebourg muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LVIII, no. 163    
Montagne, Henri de esquire 14151002 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXVI count of Vendome  
Roche, Moudon de la esquire 14151002 Montebourg muster   BNF, PO 2507 de la Roche*    
Bolevain, Guillaume de esquire 14151003 Rouen muster 14 BNF, Clairambault XVII, no. 10    
Bouleuze, Jean de dit Le Moine knight 14151003 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault XIX, no. 174 count of Vendome against the English in pays de Caux and elsewhere
Bray, Colart de esquire 14151003 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXI count of Vendome service in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Colombieres, Olivier de esquire 14151003 Rouen muster 13 BNF, Clairambault XXXV, no. 167    
Frampas, Jean de esquire 14151003 Pont de Charenton muster 10 PO 1231 de Frampas 2*    
Fuilly, Philippe de esquire 14151003 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXII count of Vendome  
Haton, Gadifer knight 14151003 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault LVIII, no. 68 count of Vendome against the English
Herbovillet, Martin esquire 14151003 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 105 count of Vendome against the English in pays de Caux or elsewhere
Heudebert, Guillaume de esquire 14151003 Rouen muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LIX, no. 196    
Molins, Guillaume des knight bachelor 14151003 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX, no. 108    
Saint-Remy, Baudonnet de esquire 14151003 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XCIV, no. 112 count of Vendome against English
Varny, Jean de, seneschal of Vermandois   14151003 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault CI count of Vendome service in the pays de Caux
Banville, Pierre de esquire 14151004 Carentan muster 14 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 127    
Cermaises, Guillaume de esquire 14151004 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 166 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere, against English besieging Harfleur?
Louvel, Guillaume esquire 14151004 Carentan muster 15 BNF, Clairambault LXVII, no. 107    
Argies, Jean d’ knight 14151005 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault VI count of Marle service in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Brie, Setus de knight 14151005 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXII count of Vendome service in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Chambly, Jean de esquire 14151005 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XXVIII, no. 10 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Chaule, Jean de, sire de Bretigny knight 14151005 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXX count of Marle service in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Halot, Robinet de esquire 14151005 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LVII count of Vendome service in the pays de Caux against the English besieging Harfleur
Le Comte, Henry esquire 14151005 Rouen muster 5 BNF, Clairambault XXXIV, no. 61    
Miry, Jean de esquire 14151005 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault LXXI, no. 29 count of Vendome against the English
Moulins, Guillaume de knight 14151005 Rouen muster   BNF, Clairambault LXXIX*    
Raisignes, Jean de knight 14151005   quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLIII count de Marle present war in pays de Caux or elsewhere as pleases the king
Varennes, Jean de   14151005   quittance   BNF, Clairambault CIX   wages for himself and his company at Harfleur
Argies, Jean d’ knight 14151006 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault VI, no. 13 count of Marle to resist the English
Bandalost, Jeffroy de esquire 14151006 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 107    
Four, Nicholas du esquire 14151006   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 137 count of Vendome against the English
Guiersy, Jean de esquire 14151006 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 51 count of Marle against the English
Mellemont, Guillaume de esquire 14151006 Honfleur muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 21    
Perques, Philippot des   14151006 Rouen muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXV, no. 22    
Personne, Jean de knight 14151006   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXXV grand maitre of the household of the king  
Soulere, Louis de esquire 14151006 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault CIV, Belleval 333 count of Vendome against English at the siege of Harfleur
Torcy, Renaud de knight 14151006   quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault 83 grand maitre of the household of the king  
Villebeon, Jean de esquire 14151006   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault CXIII grand maitre of the household of the king  
Criquebeuf, Colibeaux de esquire 14151008 Rouen muster 19 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 147 duke of Alencon against the English
Hotet, Pierre de esquire 14151008 Montivilliers muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LX, no. 143    
L’abbe, Charlot l’ esquire 14151008 Rouen muster 17 BNF, Clairambault III, no. 9    
Liserne, Thomas de la esquire 14151008 Rouen muster 17 BNF, Clairambault LXVII, no. 176 duke of Alencon against the English
Marcheis, Guillaume de esquire 14151008 Rouen muster 12 BNF, Clairambault LXX, no. 20    
Noireau, Guillaume de esquire 14151008 Rouen muster 5 BNF, Clairambault LXXXI, no. 194    
Ozonville, Regnault d’ esquire 14151008 Montivilliers muster 10 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII, no. 134    
Vimont, Guillaume esquire 14151008 Rouen muster   BNF, Clairambault CXIV, no. 66*    
Justice, Michiel esquire 14151009 Honfleur muster 9 BNF, Clairambault LXII, no. 177    
Linieres, Louis de knight bachelor 14151009 Montivilliers muster 26 BNF, Clairambault LXV, no. 179    
Ostuant, Orias esquire 14151011 Rouen muster 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII, no. 148    
Argouges, Guillaume d’ esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault Vi duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Bailleul, Henri de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault IX duke of Alencon service in Normandy against the English under the duke of Guyenne
Bailleul, Henry de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault IX, no. 75 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Beausay, Guillaume de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 8 BNF, Clairambault XI, no. 140 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Bezera, Bertran de knight 14151012 Rouen quittance 29 BNF, Clairambault XIV, no. 143 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English under governance of duke of guyenne
Blancvillain, Colinet de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XV, no. 100 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English under governance of duke of guyenne
Bovon, Jean de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XVII, no. 107 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English under governance of duke of guyenne
Brully, Thomas de knight 14151012 Rouen muster 16 BNF, Clairambault XXIII, no. 47 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English under governance of duke of guyenne
Carbonnel, Jean knight 14151012 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 76 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English under governance of duke of guyenne
Champagne, Fouque de la knight 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVIII duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Champaigne, Foulques de knight 14151012 Rouen quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault XXVIII, no. 48 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Chappedelaine, Jean esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault XXIX, no. 169 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Chaumoncel, Robin de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXX duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Chaussee, Jean de la esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 27 BNF, Clairambault XXXI, no. 3 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Chevalier, Lancelot, sire de Harenviller, captain of Corbeil   14151012   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LVII   quittance for provisions to Jean Ranier, grenetier in Paris; for the castle of Corbeil
Chieres, Guillaume le esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIV duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Coquerel, Jaques de mounted crossbowman 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIV duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Han, Baudouin de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LVII duke of Alencon in the present war for the defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Hareng, Jean esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LVIII duke of Alencon in the present war for the defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Lareda, Jean de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault LXIV, no. 21 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Luziers, Forton de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Malerbe, Jean esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairmabault LXIX duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Malle, Jean le esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXXIII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Mallessey, Guillaumet esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Mallessey, Guyonnet esquire 14151012   quittance 32 BNF, Clairambault LXIX, no. 71 duke of Alencon against the English
Marilles, Jean de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXIII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Mauny, Oliver de, sire de Thorigny knight 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Merle, Pierre du knight 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXIII duke of Alencon defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Motte, jean de la esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 16 BNF, Clairambault LXXIX   service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Puis, Pierre du esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 27 BNF, Clairambault XC, no. 98 duke of Alencon against the English
Soterel, Guillaume le knight 14151012   quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault CIV duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Vignolles, Bertran de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault CXIII no. 30    
Villani, Jean de knight 14151012 Rouen quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault CXIII no. 55 duke of Alencon war service in Normandy
Vrigny, Jean de esquire 14151012 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault CXV duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Comte, Henry le esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXIX duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Roy, Jean le esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault XCI duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Argouges, Guillaume d’ esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault ? duke of Alencon in the present war for the defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Aunoy, Jean de, bailli of Chaumont esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 18 BNF, PO 143 Aunoy 46    
Aunoy, Jean de, bailli of Chaumont esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton order to pay   BNF, PO 143 Aunoy 47    
Biars, Colin des esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault CIX, Belleval 304   against the English
Cahgny, Hamon esquire 14151013   quittance 10 BNF, PO 645 de Chagny 5 tanneguy du Chastel  
Carbonnel, Guillaume knight 14151013 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 77 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Carbonnel, Guillaume knight bachelor 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXV duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Carbonnel, Henri esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXV duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Carbonnel, Henry esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault XXV, no. 72 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Caure, Jean de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 11 BNF, PO 624 Caure 2    
Caure, Jean de esquire 14151013   order to pay   BNF, PO 624 Caure 4 Tanneguy du Chastel defence of Paris
Colin, Jean esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 14 BNF, PO 815 Colin 4*    
Colin, Jean esquire 14151013   order to pay 11 BNF, PO 815 Colin 2    
Colombieres, Olivier de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXXV duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Criquebeuf, Colibeaux de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault XXXVII, no. 152 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Desguessin, Gerard esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault XL, no. 102 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Esguessin, Gerard de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XL duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Frampas, Jean de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton order to pay 10 BNF, PO 1231 de Frampas 3    
Gerant, Roland de captain of crossbowmen 14151013 Rouen quittance 31 BNF, Clairambault LII, no. 177 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Gerant, Roland de captain of mounted crossbowmen 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LII duke of Alencon service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Guidebert, Jean de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LVI duke of Alencon in the present war for the defence of Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Guihebert, Jean du esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 10 BNF, Clairambault LVI, no. 128 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Hommet, Jean du knight 14151013 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LX duke of Alencon defence of Normandy, under the governannce of the duke of Guyenne
L’abbe, Charlot l’ esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault III, no. 11 duke of Alencon for the defence of Normandy and to resist English, under governance of duke of Guyenne
Mailly, Jacot de   14151013 pont de Charenton muster   BNF, Clairambault CLXXV*    
Marcouville, Robert de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXX duke of Alencon under the governannce of the duke of Guyenne
Merchieis, Guillaume de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXIII, no. 131 duke of Alencon serve v English
Merchieis, Guillaume de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXXIII duke of Alencon under the governannce of the duke of Guyenne
Montermantier, Huet esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 12 BNF, PO Montormantier 3*    
Montermantier, Huet esquire 14151013   order to pay   BNF, PO Montormantier 2    
Noireau, Guillaume de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 5 BNF, Clairambault LXXXI   service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Ostriant, Orias esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXXXII   service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Pierrefigue. Etienne de   14151013 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCIX   service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Pierrepoint, Jean de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault LXXXVI   service in Normandy under the duke of Guyenne
Rissey, Pierre de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 11 BNF, PO 2492 de Rissey 2*    
Rissey, Pierre de knight 14151013 Pont de Charenton order to pay   BNF, PO 2492 de Rissey 3    
Roche, Moudon de la esquire 14151013 Montebourg order to pay   BNF, PO 2517 la Rochefoucauld 11    
Saint-Germain, Sanson de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault LIII, no. 25 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
Saint-Leger, Guyot de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault LXV, no. 115 duke of Alencon to defend Normandy and resist the English
St Germain, Sanson de esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 2 BNF, PO 2753 de st Germain 221-222    
St Ulien, Yvain sire de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster 18 BNF, PO 2778 de St Ullien 2*    
St Ulien, Yvain sire de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton order to pay   BNF, PO 2778 de St Ullien 3    
Vierville, Philippe de knight 14151013 Rouen quittance 9 BNF, Clairambault CXII, Belleval 335 duke of Alencon against English
Vignes, Pierre de esquire 14151013   quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault CXIII grand maitre of the household of the king  
Villeguier, Colard de   14151013 Rouen quittance 26 BNF, Clairambault CXIII   wages of crossbowmen for defence of Montivilliers
Vimont, Guillaume esquire 14151013 Rouen quittance 17 BNF, Clairambault CXIV duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Voy, Raulin de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton muster   BNF, PO 3041 Voy 6*    
Voy, Raulin de esquire 14151013 Pont de Charenton order to pay   BNF, PO 3041 Voy 7    
Vyars, Colin des esquire 14151013   quittance 7 BNF, Clairambault CXII duke of Alencon service in Normandy
Blancbaston, Jean captain of crossbowmen 14151014 Dieppe quittance 50 BNF, Clairambault XV, no. 52 duke of Alencon to defend Dieppe and environs, and resist the English
Blancbaston, Jean, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14151014 Dieppe quittance   BNF, Clairambault XV duke of Alencon defence of Dieppe
Faiencourt, Pierre de esquire 14151014   quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault XLVI, no. 4 count of Eu against the English
Anglebellemer, Ferry de esquire 14151015 Rouen quittance 9 BNF, Clairambault V, no. 93 count of Vendome against the English in the pays de Caux and wherever it pleases the king
Cassinel, Guilaume knight 14151015 Rouen quittance 11 BNF, Clairambault XXVI, no. 5 count of Vendome in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Cassinel, Guilaume esquire 14151015 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XXVI count of Vendome against the English besieging Harfleur
Doublex, Regnault esquire 14151015 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLI count of Vendome against the English besieging Harfleur
Loge, Colart de la esquire 14151015 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVI count of Vendome  
Estaconnes, bastard of esquire 14151017 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XLIV duke of Bourbon service in the pays de Caux
Girant, Jean esquire 14151017   quittance 0 ADSM 100J, no. 46 duke of Bourbon in pays de Caux v Engl, during siege of H
Louvet, Guillaume esquire 14151017 Paris muster 10 BNF, PO 1763 Louvet 5*    
Louvet, Guillaume esquire 14151017 Paris order to pay   BNF, PO 1763 Louvet 4    
Peneloze, Pierre de esquire 14151017 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault LXXXIV, no. 115 duke of Bourbon against English
Saint Sevestre, Guillaume de esquire 14151017 Rouen quittance 13 BNF, Clairambault CII duke of Bourbon service in the pays de Caux
Fosseux, Jacques de esquire 14151019   quittance 24 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, 17-18 seneschal of Hainault against the English
Fosseux, Jacques de esquire 14151019 Rouen quittance 33 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 17 seneschal of Hainault in the pays de Caux and elsewhere
Fosseux, Jacques de esquire 14151019 Rouen quittance 19 BNF, Clairambault XLIX, no. 18 seneschal of Hainault in the pays de Caux and elsewhere, under the government of the duke of Guyenne
Gaillarbois, Jacques esquire 14151019 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LI duke of Alencon defence of the castle of Touques and war service against the English
Quieret, Jean esquire 14151019   quittance 12 BNF, Clairambault XCII, no. 31 constable d’Albret against English, where it pleases king to send us
Renty, Jacques de esquire 14151019 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCV constable d’Albret service in the pays de Caux
Werchin, Jean de, seneshal of Hainault knight 14151019 Rouen quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault CXI   service in pays de Caux against the English
Chaumont, Pierre de   14151020 Rouen order to pay   PO 716 Chaumont 26, and 135    
Wancourt, Jean de knight 14151020   quittance 14 BNF, Clairambault CIX, Belleval 297 constable d’Albret  
Frampas, Jean de esquire 14151022 Paris quittance 10 BNF, PO 1231 de Frampas 4 duke of Guyenne defence of Paris
Mailly, Jacot de esquire 14151022   quittance   BNF, Clairambault 175    
Voy, Raulin de esquire 14151022 Paris quittance   BNF, PO 3041 Voy 8 duke of Guyenne serving in Paris
Malestroit, Jean de, sire de Combourg knight 14151023   quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXIX   for war against the English
Boysiere, Jean de la esquire 14151024 Paris quittance 6 BNF, PO 395 de la Bossiere 5   to guard the Louvre
Caure, Jean de esquire 14151024 Paris quittance 11 BNF, PO 624 de Caure 3 Tanneguy du Chastel serving in Paris
Colin, Jean esquire 14151024   quittance 14 BNF, PO 815 Colin 3   probably at Paris
Lonnel, Guillaume esquire 14151024 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXVII duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie
Mailly, Jacob de esquire 14151024 Paris quittance 11 BNF, PO 1802 Mailly 333 Tanneguy du Chastel serving in Paris
Montormanter, Huet de esquire 14151024 Paris quittance   BNF, PO 2096 Montormantier 4 Tanneguy du Chastel defence of Paris
Poix, Robert de esquire 14151024 Paris quittance   BNF, PO 2317 de Poix 3   serving in Paris
Roche, Moudon de la esquire 14151024 Caen quittance   BNF, Clairambault XCVI (2 docs) duke of Alencon services in Normandy
Roche, Moudon de la esquire 14151024 Caen quittance   BNF, PO 2507 de la Roche 51    
Vauville, Pierre de esquire 14151024 Caen quittance 15 BNF, Clairambault CX duke of Alencon defence of Basse Normandie to resist the English
Justice, Michiel esquire 14151025 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon  
Maricoure, Jean de, captain of crossbowmen captain of crossbowmen 14151025 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXX duke of Alencon for the guard of Honfleur
Mellemont, Guillaume de esquire 14151025 Rouen quittance   BNF, Clairambault LXXIII   for the guard of Honfleur
Ligne, Jean sire de, et de Bailleul knight banneret 14151814   certificate 3 BNF, Clairambault XV    
Ligne, Jean de, et de Bailleul knight banneret 14151817   quittance 18 BNF, Clairambault XV   for the war against the English